Virtual Sessions

How does it work?

Remote psychotherapy works*
Virtual session can be as effective as office visits when the connection (personally and technically speaking, pan intended) is optimal.

How does it work?You will connect at the time of your appointment via doxy. Click here anytime to enter Dr. Diez's virtual waiting room.
Remote sessions are also available through WhatsApp and FaceTime. We will give you specific directions once you set up an appointment.

For an optimal virtual session experience please follow these few steps before connecting:

1. Find a Private Area for the virtual session. Dr. Diez's virtual office is strictly private, and so should be yours. Alert others around you about needing 50 minutes of privacy. Closets can work fine! or Outdoors spaces, if they afford you a private's conversation. Avoid walking, as the movement can make the connection less stable.
2. Check the quality of the connection beforehand. Find the area with the strongest WiFi signal. Use your cellular connection whenever possible, as they offer a stronger signal than WiFi.
3. Turn off all devices (other than the one you are using) before connecting to avoid distractions and poor connections.
4. Keep your device steady. We recommend you get a cradle or mount for it. Changes in position and lighting affect the connection and the quality of the audio stream, which we want to keep optimal.
5. Make yourself comfortable, but not too comfortable. Sitting is best. Avoid laying in bed or using the coach from where you do passive TV watching, as it may prime you for distraction. You want to be "present" and able to look inward and attend to your thoughts and to the conversation while in session.
6. Dress for the occasion. Remote sessions are a social encounter, hence prepare for such. Casual neat attire and regular grooming will do. Avoid pajamas, or entering sessions just after a nap.
7. Try to set 10 minutes of private time before, and after, the session. Some "meditative" or intentional time before and after the session to ponder on what we may embark on during the session. The time ahead helps with gathering yourself and finding inner focus; the time after helps with the processing of the conversation and memory consolidation.


*Research by The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and National Institute for Health (NIH):● Benefits and challenges of conducting psychotherapy by phone. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)● Psychotherapy mediated by remote communication technologies: a meta-analytic review